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In viata se intalnesc multi oameni bogati, saraci, frumosi, destepti dar nu stii cine este el cu adevarat.
Oamenii sunt ca cartile. Pana nu le rasfoiesti nu vei sti ce se ascunde in ea. Nu poti judeca o carte dupa coperta, la fel si pe oameni.
Am inalnit o fata frumoasa, era de treaba, si imi placea de ea. Intr-o zi ea s-a apropiat de mine si mia propus sa facem lectiile impreuna. Am acceptat, si stiam ca este un semn ca si ea simte ceva catre mine. Dupa aia iam propus sa iesim la inalnire. Ea a acceptat. Am esit cateva zile cu ea si era fabulos, simteam ca ma indragostesc de ea cat mai mult.
Apoi ea ma invitat la o petrecere, nu puteam sa refuz.
Am sosit, erau multe persoane pe care nu le cunosteam. Am chefuit toata noaptea si eram beat.
Dimineata mam trezit la mine acasa, mam sculat, pe masa era un biletel pe care scria " Adio, nu te mai iubesc' dupa care am depistat ca toti banii pe care-i aveam la mine au disparut. Aveam o colectie de bijuterii care le-am mostenit de la bunica, si ele au disparut. Aici mi-am dat seama ca ea ma folosit si se prefacea doar pentru banii mei.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
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In life you meet people rich, poor, beautiful, smart but do not know who he really is.People are like books. Until you browse you will not know what lies in it. You can not judge a book by its cover, as well as people. I ascended a beautiful girl was nice, and I liked it. One day she approached me and proposed me to do homework together. I accepted, and I knew it was a sign that she feels something by me. After that iam proposed to go out to senior. She accepted. I Esit few days she was fabulous, I felt that I loved her as much. Then she invited me to a party, I could not refuse. I arrived, there were many people who knew them. I partied all night and I was drunk. In the morning I woke up to my house, I got up on the table was a note that said "Goodbye, do not love you anymore 'and then we found out that all the money I had with me were gone. I had a collection of jewelry that ve
Răspuns de
In life you meet many rich, poor, beutiful, smart people, but you don't know who is truly this person.People are like books. Until you browse it you don't know what it hides inside. Do not judge a book by its cover, so do people.
I met a beautiful girl, she was good and i liked her.One day she approached me and proposed me to do the lessons together. I accepted, and I knew it was a sign that she felt something to me. After that, I proposed to go out to a date. She accepted. I spent a few days with her and it was fabulous, I felt like I fell in love with her as much as possible. Then she invited me to a party, I could not refuse.
I've arrived, there were many people I did not know. I spent all night and I was drunk. In the morning I woke up at my house, I got up, there was a note on the table saying "Well, I do not love you anymore," and then I found out that all the money I had at me disappeared. I had a collection of jewels that I was inherited from my grandmother, and they disappeared. Here I realized that she used me and it was just for my money.
I met a beautiful girl, she was good and i liked her.One day she approached me and proposed me to do the lessons together. I accepted, and I knew it was a sign that she felt something to me. After that, I proposed to go out to a date. She accepted. I spent a few days with her and it was fabulous, I felt like I fell in love with her as much as possible. Then she invited me to a party, I could not refuse.
I've arrived, there were many people I did not know. I spent all night and I was drunk. In the morning I woke up at my house, I got up, there was a note on the table saying "Well, I do not love you anymore," and then I found out that all the money I had at me disappeared. I had a collection of jewels that I was inherited from my grandmother, and they disappeared. Here I realized that she used me and it was just for my money.
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