Engleza, întrebare adresată de manu01, 9 ani în urmă

Dau coroana!!!Un eseu in 100 de cuvinte la engleza...The home is the chief school of human virtues...Va multumesc!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Solaris
Home is where we spend the first few years of our lives and this is why it is also the place where we learn our core principles. First of all, education starts at home. Parents are the ones that pass along their values to children. The way we represent them outside the home reflects what we have learned from them. What is more, if during the time spent at home, we learn to value dignity, honesty and the value of hard work, it will prove useful wherever we might go during our lives. This is why, the environment at home can dictate the way we understand the world and how we choose to behave in society.

manu01: Iti multumes boss...Esti cel mai tare...Spunemi sincer asta tu ai scris?
manu01: Iti voi da coronita!!!
Solaris: Da. Mie îmi place să scriu eseuri.
Solaris: Şi nu ştiu cât de tare sunt :)) fac şi eu ce pot.
Solaris: Cu plăcere
manu01: Pai iti multumesc...:)
manu01: ;)
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