Engleza, întrebare adresată de Nimic1222, 9 ani în urmă

Dau Coroana!! Urgent, va rog


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de seikkatsu

1. The symptoms of the virus are fever (febra), dry cough(tuse uscata), sometimes a runny nose(iti curge nasul) or maybe diarhoea(diaree)

2. You can get infected simply by close contact with an infected person or surface that the virus is on, and then touching your nose or mouth

3. The distance between 2 persons is too little, and the healthy person may get the virus from the other person

4. Children are the most vurnerable, because their immune sistem is still in development

5. Just stay indoors as much as you can, wear a mask and wash your hands

seikkatsu: sa-mi zici daca nu intelegi ceba
seikkatsu: ceva*
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