DAU COROANA VA ROG FRUMOS ..................
Find in the text antonyms for the following words:
to come-
to go out-
to empty-
to finish-
to send-
to lose-
text pagina 78 manual l eng
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Find in the text antonyms for the following words: to come, to go out, to empty, to finish, to send, answer, loud, old, quickly, to lose, there.
to come ≠ to leave
to go out ≠ to enter
to empty ≠ to fill
to finish ≠ to begin
to send ≠ to recieve
answer ≠ question
loud ≠ quiet
old ≠ new
quickly ≠ slowly
to lose ≠ to find
there ≠ here
Antonimele sunt cuvinte sau grupuri de cuvinte cu formă diferită şi înţeles opus:
up ≠ down
close ≠ far
sad ≠ happy
good ≠ bad
Antonimia se poate realiza şi cu ajutorul unor prefixe specifice (prefixe antonimice, negative):
correct ≠ incorrect
equal ≠ unequal
Perechea de antonime trebuie să respecte aceeaşi parte de vorbire:
- substantive: sadness ≠ happiness
- adjective: bad ≠ good
- verbe: to find ≠ to hide
- adverbe: here ≠ there
Mai jos este redat textul care stă la baza exercițiului:
So Andrew had to leave Blaenely in a month. He began immediately to look for another position. He read all the advertisements in the newspapers and sent many applications to doctors who wanted an assistant, but by the end of the second week, he had received no answer to his applications.
Andrew really began to worry. Three weeks passed and he almost lost hope to find a job. In the evening of the 30th of August he met Denny in the street.
“I’m rather sorry you are going, Manson,” he said. “I want to tell you something. I heard this afternoon that the Aberalaw Medical Society is looking for a new assistant. It is thirty miles from here. Why don’t you try?”
“Well, yes,” Andrew agreed slowly. “I may try.”
A few minutes later he walked home to write one more application. On the sixth of September Andrew came to Aberalaw. The Aberalaw Medical Society was to select a new doctor out of seven candidates that had sent in their applications for this position. The selected doctor would have to work at a coal mine. All seven candidates had been asked to come. Andrew was the third to enter the room of the Committee. About thirty miners filled the room. At a small table in the middle of the room he saw Owen, the secretary, and Llewelyn, the head doctor. Owen, in a quiet voice, explained the conditions of work there. Then the miners asked Andrew many questions about his work and himself, and then he left the room and the next candidate went in and then the next. It was over at last. All the candidates were waiting. The door opened and Owen invited Manson again.