Engleza, întrebare adresată de Elinuza, 9 ani în urmă

Dau coroana ! Write a 120-150-word story starting with the following sentence : A road trip is exactly what the girls I needed.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lukegaldau

      A road trip is exactly what the girls and I needed. At school, studying some of the hardest subjects like biology, we were exhausted. Not only was there a lot of material, but we also didn't have time to do anything. We decided to go on a road trip to Finland, it is a long way there, we knew that it would be both a fun way to "unwind" and forget about everything. 
       T'was an amazing experience, we travelled through many famous capital cities like Vienna. We even stopped at an amusement park, but when we arrived in Finland, we only had two days to get back.
       We were panicking and had no idea what to do. We tried to call our parents, but our battery was dead. We stopped to think things over. "Wait, isn't this car a rental from Finland", we started laughing and bought a flight home.

 (sunt exact 150 de cuvinte) (scris de un Englez)

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