Engleza, întrebare adresată de Marianaxxh, 8 ani în urmă

Dau coroanaaa!!ajutati-ma cat de repede se poate...Multumesc!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anne7095
A. Hi there, can I borrow your dictionary?
B. Sorry, I accidentally left in the library.
B. I can give it to you later...
A. No thanks, I need it now.
A. Hi Maria, want to join me and Paul at the cinema after school today?
B. Sorry guys, it looks like it will be just you two..
A. But why?
B. I haven’t got any money with me today, but have fun!
A. Thank you!
A. Alisa, where is your homework??
B. Sorry miss, I left on the bus while I was coming to school ....
A. Can you bring it in tommorow??
B. Of course I can, Miss Jane.
A. Great, thank you.
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