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Era o zi fumoasa de vara. Eram la tara impreuna cu prietnii mei. Ne jucam tennis si fotbal si apoi ne-a venit idea sa mergem sa ne plimbam prin padure. Am urcat dealul din spatele caselor si am mers pe poteca pana am ajuns la marginea padurii. Ne-am decis sa facem un concurs. Am mers cat de mult am putut in adancul padure si apoi ne-am despartit. Primul care iese din padure langa poteca pe care am venit castiga o doza de suc. Pentru a iesi din padure trebuia sa mergem spre Sud. M-am ghidat dupa muschiul copacilor pentru am imi da seama unde este Nordul si unde este Sudul.
Am mers o vreme buna in aceeasi directie pana am vazut in fata mea la cativa metrii o caprioara. M-am ascuns dupa un copac ca sa n-o sperii si m-am uitat cum paste. Dupa cateva minute s-a indepartat si eu mi-a continuat drumul. Am reusit sa ies din padure prima si i-am asteptat si pe restul. Cativa au luat-o spre Nord si au iesit tocmai la gara, iar altii au luat-o spre Est si au iesit in lanurile de grau.
Le-am povestit ce am vazut in padure, iar ei s-au suparat ca nu au fost cu mine. A fost o experienta neobisnuita la noi in sat, dar si extraordinara!
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It was a beautiful summer day. I was in the country with my friends. We played tennis and soccer and then we got the idea to go to a walk in the forest. I climbed the hill behind the house and walked the trail until we reached the forest. We decided to make a contest. I walk as much as I could in deep forest and then we broke up. The first that comes out of the woods near the trail we came wins a soda. To get out of the forest had to go south. I am guided by my tree moss realize where north is and where South.I walked a good while in the same direction until we saw a few feet in front of me a deer. I hid behind a tree so as not to scare and looked like paste. After a few minutes it went away and I kept going. I managed to get out of the woods first and I waited for the rest. Some went north and came just at the station, while others went to the East and have come out in the cornfields.I told them what I saw in the woods, and they were upset that they were not with me. It was an unusual experience in our village, but great!
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