Engleza, întrebare adresată de teslaru, 8 ani în urmă

A)Choose and fill in the correct answer:
1)I usually to classical music when I want to relax.
a)listen b)listens c)listened
2)He used to the piano when he was twelve.
a)play b)played c)plays
3)Can you hear the seagulls? They for food.
a)cry b)are crying c)are criing
4)Did you the train to Barcelona yesterday?
a)catch b)caught c)catches
5)He never skis in winter. He how to do that.
a)knows b)doesn't know c)didn't know
6)Cleo the dentist tomorrow. She had a terrible toothache las night.
a)sees b)saw c)is seeing
7)Nicolae to send Susie a message because she arrived quite late at home yesterday.
a)forgets b)forgot c)forgotten
8)They play football at weekends, but this week-end they .
a)fish b)are fishing c)fishing

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MRT11
1 c
2 a
3 b
4 a
5 b
6 c
7 a
8 b

MRT11: coroana?
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