Engleza, întrebare adresată de neaganatalia, 9 ani în urmă

DAU CORONITA!!! varog mult
use the possessive and reflexive pronouns in the sentences below:
Posesive Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns
my-mine our-ours myself ourselves
your-yours your-yours yourself yourselves
his-his their-theirs himself themselves
her-hers herself
its-its itself

a) the students at vocational a schools do a lot of things by ___________.
b) let's speak about the system of education in ________country.
c) ___________books are more interesting than___________.
d) radu always strives to do the job __________.
e) we ___________endured much during the heavy rains.
f) don't ignore _________ own decision.
g) I dedicated _______ to studying foreign languages.
h) the American colonies won __________ independence from England.
i) the woek __________was rather hard.
j)Nick wants to share __________joys and sorrows with __________ friend
k)I want to be on friendly terms with al __________classmates
l)Mother always forgives __________daughter's misbehavion

Aly2000: Our nu pur , s-a activat corecția textului
neaganatalia: poti sa-mi ajuti te rog sa fac exercitiu complet
Aly2000: Încerc dar nu sunt sigura ca pot tot . punctele nu le-am luat tocmai din acest motiv .
neaganatalia: aaa.dar daca poti macar ceva
Aly2000: In continuarea exercițiului ourselves your mine theyr la i nu am idee his his my her . la e si a primare la j nu sunt sigura .
Aly2000: Sper ca te-am ajutat .
neaganatalia: da.ms
Aly2000: Nu ai pentru ce . punctele de la întrebare ti se vor reda după 3 zile cred .
Aly2000: Daca nu rasp nimeni intre timp
neaganatalia: da

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de livioararascan

A) themselves

B) our

C) my, yours

D) himself

E) ourselves

F) your


I) itself

H) their

J) his, his

K) my

L) her

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