Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrastavrositu, 9 ani în urmă

De alcătuit :
- 3 propoziții afirmative Present Simple
- 3 propoziții afirmative Present Continiu
- 2 propoziții negative Present Simple
- 2 propoziții negative Present Continiu
- 2 propoziții interogative Present Simple
- 2 propoziții interogative Present Continiu
P.S propoziții de clasa a5a

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Andreutzaaa
Afirmativ:She likes the song.
I go to school.
You sleep în week-end.
Present simple af: He likes my blouse because is blue.
I wake up every day at 8 a.m.
You read very good in german.
Present simple neg:I don't eat bread every day.
She don't live in Japan.
Present simple interogativ:Does she like my blouse?
Do you read good?
Present continu af :I ate a soup.
I was with friends at football.
You were with she at school.
Present continu neg:she don't going home.
He don't playing tennis.
Present continu int :Does He cooking pizza?
Do I swimming?

alexandrastavrositu: Mulțumesc!
Andreutzaaa: Cu plăcere! Coroană?☺
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