Engleza, întrebare adresată de luludorosh2298, 8 ani în urmă

De comentat afirmatia "East or West,Home is the Best" in 100 de cuvinte​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de GenericThePyromain


"East or West,Home is the Best"  means that there is no better place than home, no matter where you are, home will always be the best place to be.

Răspuns de soranaasanduluovszj6
The statement is hypothetical explaining that home is the best place to be because even if you are so far away, you still come back to your home. It’s your favorite place, the most comfy spot you have ever been in, and you can’t say that there is other better place than your own house that you got used to. It’s like a pun(wordplay), where you have to simply know and feel the meaning. And if you don’t agree that home is the best, you should rethink your choices.:)
sper ca te am ajutat si succes!!

luludorosh2298: mersi mult)
soranaasanduluovszj6: cu dragg
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