Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

de compus cate trei prop cu
there -is

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de georgev
There is at shop. There is at home. There is at school. There are very boring . There are very faimous . There are tall . Iar la was si were inlocuiesti is si are .

georgev: Imi dai coroana
georgev: ???
Mih2007: there is =se gaseste (singular, afirmativ)
Mih2007: there are=se gasesc (plural,afirmativ, prezent)
Mih2007: there was=se gasea (singular,trecut)
Mih2007: there were=se gaseau (plural,trecut)
Mih2007: atentie cum si cand le folosesti! !!!!
Mih2007: sunt f f multe greseli in propozitiile tale!!!!!!!!
Răspuns de Mih2007
there is a bush near the house.
there are a lot of flowers on the field.
there was his office.
there were their children.
there is a cat on the street.
there are many different things to do.
there was her car.
there were only men.
there is an apple on the table.
there are a lot of fruits and vegetables in the fridge.
there was a boy waiting for you.
there were many answers to this question.
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