Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

De conjugat urmatoarele verbe la Present Simplu , Present Perfect Simplu , Past Perfect Simplu , Future Perfect Simplu . Amandoua verbele! Este mult de scris , deci sa scrieti pe foaie si sa trimiteti poza !

to play- played-played
to come - came-came

Utilizator anonim: doar la afirmativ
Utilizator anonim: to come-come-come
Utilizator anonim: am gresit eu , am pus a in loc de 0
Utilizator anonim: o.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrsAnca
to play -simple present
I play
 you play
he,she it plays
we play
you play
they play
 Present perfect
 i have played
 you have played 
he,she it has played
 we have played   
you have played 
they have played    
 Past perfect
 I had played 
you had played
 he,she,it,we,you,they had played
Future perfect
i,you he,she,it,we,you they will have played

to come
simple present
i come
you come
he.she it comes
we,you ,they come

Present perfect
i,you have come
he,she ,it has come
we,you they have come

Past perfect
i,you,he,she,it,we you,they had come

future perfect
i'll, have come
you'll have come
he'll,she'll ,it'll have come
we'll have come
you'll have come
they'll have come
**in loc de forma scurta ll poti sa pui will de ex you will come,dar in engleza se prefera formele abreviate(scurte)


Utilizator anonim: pai si celelalte?
Utilizator anonim: continua..
Utilizator anonim: este to play
Utilizator anonim: nu have
Utilizator anonim: si la to play ?
Utilizator anonim: nu ai cinjugat la future Pf. S
Utilizator anonim: conjugat*
Răspuns de mihaelap
Present                    Present Perfect              Past Perfect
I play                       I have played                  I had played
you play                  you have played             you had played 
he,she, it plays        he, she, it has played     he, she, it had played
we play                   we have played               we had played
you play                  you have played             you had played
they play                 they have played            they had played

I come                        I have come                    I had come
you come                   you have come               you had come
he, she, it comes       he, she, it has come       he, she, it had come
we come                    we have come                we had come
 you come                  you have come               you had come
they come                  they have come              they had come
Future Perfect
I shall have played                         I shall have come
you will have played                      you will have come
he, she, it will have played             he, she, it will have come
we shall have played                     we shall have come
you will have played                      you will have come
they will have played                     they will have come
Verbul este neregulat:     to come  - came - come

Utilizator anonim: Multumesc mult!!!!
mihaelap: cu placere si noapte buna
Utilizator anonim: Noapte buna !
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