Engleza, întrebare adresată de dgaming, 9 ani în urmă

De conjugat verbul To Watch tv At going to future.
La toate formele: afirmativ,negativ si interogativ.
Va rog ajutatima dau coroana

senseialex: nu inteleg cerinta
dgaming: adica
dgaming: eu am un verb la engleza de conjugat
dgaming: verbul este to wach-tv
senseialex: to watch tv la future?
dgaming: si mi-a dat doamna la timpul going to future
dgaming: da
dgaming: la toate formele
dgaming: afirmativ negativ si interogativ

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de senseialex
I am going to watch tv
you are going to watch tv
he/she/it is going to watch tv
we are going to watch tv
they are going to watch tv

I am not going to watch tv
you are not going to watch tv
he/she/it is not going to watch tv
we are not going to watch tv
they are not going to watch tv

Am I going to watch tv?
Are you going to watch tv?
Is he/she/it going to watch tv?
Are we going to watch tv?
Are you going to watch tv?
Are they going to watch tv?

dgaming: Mersi mult cand ma lasa iti dau coroana :))
senseialex: cp
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