Engleza, întrebare adresată de bellapoarch123123, 8 ani în urmă

De făcut zece întrebări la interogativ 10 la firmativ și 10 la negativ în engleză​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vancealiliana78


Am I playing in the Park?

Are you swimming in the pool?

Is she reading the book?

Is he playing football?

Are we writing?

Are you reading?

Are they funny?

Am I ugly?

Are you good enough?

Is she beautiful?

I am playing in the Park.

He is swimming in the pool.

She is reading the book.

He is playing football.

We are writing.

You are reading.

They are funny.

I am ugly.

You are good enough.

She is beautiful.

I am not playing in the Park.

He is not swimming in the pool.

She is not reading a book.

He is not playing football.

We are not writing.

You are not reading.

They are not funny.

I am not ugly.

You are good enough.

She is not beautiful.



vancealiliana78: primele 2 invers
vancealiliana78: dar
vancealiliana78: îmi poți da coroana?
bellapoarch123123: adică e int apoi aff?
vancealiliana78: da
vancealiliana78: dar
vancealiliana78: pls coroana, am stat mult să le scriu
bellapoarch123123: încă nu mi-a apărut coroana pt că mai trebuie să răspundă cnv
vancealiliana78: a...
bellapoarch123123: gata, ți-am dat!
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