Engleza, întrebare adresată de nshsbshsh, 8 ani în urmă

de realizat o intamplare imaginara in engleza​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de denysa572


One week ago I was in a holiday with my family. So we were at a luxurious hotel, having the lunch. One hour later, I went to the beach. It was so crowded...I couldn't even breathe. So I decided to go for a walk on the streets, and you won't believe what I've found! A £100 bil. I couldn't resist and I took it. It was the best day ever!



denysa572: E de ajuns??
nshsbshsh: Da e foarte bună si legat de coronița nu mi arată chestia aia gen "marchează ca cel mai bun raspuns" sau cv de genul
denysa572: trb să mai aștepți puțin
denysa572: imi dai mai traziu :)
nshsbshsh: ok
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