Engleza, întrebare adresată de ana201226, 8 ani în urmă

de scris formele negative si interogative de la hev got ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ItzzQndrm


I have (got)

you have (got)

he has (got)

she has (got)

it has (got)

we have (got)

you have (got)

they have (got)


Have I (got)?

Have you (got)?

Has he (got)?

Has she (got)?

Has it (got)?

Have we (got)?

Have you (got)?

Have they (got)?

ana201226: multumesc frumos!
ItzzQndrm: cu placere!!!
ana201226: o seara minunată!
ItzzQndrm: mersi
Răspuns de MAIANEGRU
Have I got?
Have you got?
Has she/he/it got?
Have we got?
Have you got?
Have they got?

I haven’t got
You haven’t got
She/he/it hasn’t got
We haven’t got
You haven’t got
They haven’t got

ana201226: multumesc
Alte întrebări interesante