Engleza, întrebare adresată de 9Sonya, 8 ani în urmă

De scris o compunere care sa aibă în jur de 150 de cuvinte care începe cu propoziția de mai jos

Tom looked at the map and turned right.

(cuvintele din prop nu se pun) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nataliamitrache


        TOM LOOKED AT THE MAP AND TURNED BRIGHT. He started to wander his self about the artifact.  He started to dance by the joy that a piece of paper can give to him. In the center it was a big and red mark an X.

        He remembered that his grand father pirate costume was in the attic.  When  he was a child his grandpa used to tell him stories about his adventures on the sea with his ship on a real boat! tom was fascinate by the stories and wanted to be his self a pirate like his grand father. Now he had the chance to be one!

          Tom rushed in the attic and in his enthusiasm he fell of the stairs. his dad saw the moment and take him to the hospital. the doctors put on his arm a bandage. After that he got home.

           Maybe next time he will be more careful when he climbs the stairs

                            sunt exact 150 de cuvinte

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