Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

De scris o scrisoare in limba engleza (trebuie sa presupun ca eu sunt in vizita la Londra)colegei de banca .Printre altele trebuie sa specific ca vremea
capricioasa.Va rog frumos!Rog seriozitate si nu doresc traducere de pe googel.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ChandraMe
Dear Anne( pui tu numele colegei tale),
I am in London and I miss you very much.
The weather here is rainy and windy , and it is very cold. The sky is always cloudy. I don't like the weather.
The people here are very friendly with me. I already have two friends: Marc and Sarah. Today we are going to a restaurant. We heard that food in that restaurant is very delicious.
I stay here in a big flat, with four rooms, and two bathrooms, and the kitchen is very big too.
But it is always cold! I miss the sunny days with you!

Laura( iti pui tu numele tau)

ChandraMe: Ma bucur ca te-am ajutat
Utilizator anonim: Si eu ma bucur ca m-ai ajutat si iti multumesc!
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