Engleza, întrebare adresată de dp5034648, 8 ani în urmă

de scris propozițiile interogative și negative
the dog bark loud every night
the dog barking loud every dat
the dog has just barked loud
the dog barked loud (în fie care noapte)
the dog barked loud yesterday
the dog will bark loud tomorow​
pliz dau coroana jur

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de monicabacioi

bună! :)

+ = afirmativ/inițial

- = negativ

? = interogativ

• +) The dog barks loud every night.

-) The dog doesn't bark loud every night.

?) Does the dog bark loud every night?

• +) The dog is barking loud every night.

-) The dog isn't barking loud every night.

?) Is the dog barking loud every night?

• +) The dog has just barked loud.

-) The dog hasn't barked loud.

?) Has the dog barked loud?

• +) The dog barks loud every night.

-) The dog doesn't bark loud every night.

?) Does the dog bark loud every night?

• +) The dog barked loud yesterday.

-) The dog didn't bark loud yesterday.

?) Did the dog bark loud yesterday?

• +) The dog will bark loud tomorrow.

-) The dog won't bark loud tomorrow.

?) Will the dog bark loud tomorrow?

Sper ca te-am ajutat și multe succese în continuare!

Alte întrebări interesante