Engleza, întrebare adresată de Georox6, 10 ani în urmă

De tradus :
1. Astazi vremea este mult mai frumoasa decat a fost ieri .
2) Cu cat inveti mai mult cu atat ai mai multa incredere in tine .
3)Nu am vrut sa cumpar acele perdele pentru ca erau prea lungi .
4) Au vrut ei sa traverseze strada?
Nu deoarece trecerea de pietoni era mult mai departe.
5)Eu am primit ieri cea mai buna veste.
6)Ieri pe vremea asta noi plantam copaci in cadrul unui proiect ecologic.
7)Ati avut mai mult sanse decat noi sa intratila muzeu . Cand am ajuns noi acolo coada era atat de lunga ca noi am renuntat.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Amizet
1) The weather today is much better than yesterday.
2) The more you learn, the more confidence you get.
3) I didn't want to buy those curtains simply because they were too long.
4) Did they want to cross the street?
No, because the zebra crossing was too far.
5) Yesterday, I received the best news.
6) Yesterday by this time, we were planting trees for (presupun, aici m-am încurcat) an ecological project.
7) You had more chances than us to enter the museum. When we arrived there, it was so crowded that we left.
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
1. Today the weather is more beautiful than it was yesterday . 2) The more you learn the more you more confidence in yourself . 3) I wanted to buy these curtains that were too long . 4 ) They wanted her to cross the street ? Not because the pedestrian crossing was much further. 5) I received the best news yesterday . 6) Yesterday the time why we plant trees within an ecological project . 7 ) You had more chances than us to intratila museum. When we got there the queue was so long that we gave up. Asta e raspunsul.
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