Engleza, întrebare adresată de sandupatricia7, 8 ani în urmă

1. Helen poate să citească cărţi englezeşti.
2. Pot să plec acasă? Nu, n-ai voie.
3. Peter poate să traducă acest articol în limba engleza.
4. Pot face această lucrare singur.
5. Întrucât a fost cuminte, Tommy poate să meargă mâine la cinema.
6. Pot să fumez?
7. Ei trebuiau să termine această traducere luni.
8. Pot să deschid fereastra?
9. Copiii ar trebui să fie ascultători.
10. Aşa-s copiii!
1. John nu se duce la teatru astă-seară.
2. Tommy nu se duce niciodată la teatru.
3. Ce carte ai citit săptămâna trecută?
4. Ei nu-şi fac ghetele în fiecare zi.
5. Nu trebuie să ieşi din casă săptămâna asta.
6. Cine vine să te vadă mâine dimineaţă?
7. Cine sună la uşa din faţă?
8. Bunicul nu citeşte niciodată nimic fără ochelari.
9. Ai fost la vreo fermă anul trecut?
10. Nu am putut traduce aceste două propoziţii.
1. Femeia care stă de vorbă în curte cu sora mea este vecina noastră care locuieşte vizavi.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Soclu

1. Helen can read English books.

2. Can I go home? No, you're not allowed.

3. Peter can translate this article into English.

4. I can do this work alone.

5. Because he was good, Tommy can go to the movies tomorrow.

6. Can I smoke?

7. They had to finish this translation on Monday.

8. Can I open the window?

9. Children should be obedient.

10. That's how children are!

1. John is not going to the theater tonight.

2. Tommy never goes to the theater.

3. What book did you read last week?

4. They don't make their boots every day.

5. You don't have to leave the house this week.

6. Who's coming to see you tomorrow morning?

7. Who rings the front door?

8. Grandpa never reads anything without glasses.

9. Have you been to a farm last year?

10. I could not translate these two sentences.

1. The woman in the yard talking to my sister is our neighbor who lives across the street.

Sa ai o zi buna!

Răspuns de iuliastoian2010


1. Helen can read English books.

2. Can I go home? No, you're not allowed to.

3. Peter can translate this article into English.

4. I can do this work myself.

5. Since he was good, Tommy can go to the cinema tomorrow.

6. Can I smoke?

7. They had to finish this translation on Monday.

8. Can I open the window?

9. Children should be obedient.

10. That's how the kids are!

1. John doesn't go to the theater tonight.

2. Tommy never goes to the theater.

3. What book have you read last week?

4. They don't make their boots every day.

5. You don't have to leave the house this week.

6. Who comes to see you tomorrow morning?

7. Who rings the front door?

8. Grandpa never reads anything without glasses.

9. Were you on any farm last year?

10. I could not translate these two sentences.

1. The woman who talks in the yard with my sister is our neighbor who lives across the street.

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