1. La ce ora te scoli de obicei dimineata?
2. Cand a fost el ultima oara la mare ? / at the seaside
3. Te uiti la televizor acum? Nu.
4. Citeste el o carte acum? Da.
5. Se uita ea la mine acum ? Nu. / look at
6. Tu iei de obicei micul dejun? Da.
7. Ia el de obicei autobuzul spre birou? Nu.
8. I-a fost lui foame ieri cand a venit acasa? Nu.
9. Ti-a placut concertul ieri? Da
10. L-ai intalnit pe Peter luna trecuta? Da.
11. Sunt prietenii tai amuzanti? Nu.
12. Unde locuiesti?
13. De ce vrei sa vorbesti engleza?
14. Ii plac lui filmele? Nu.
15. Poate el sa inoate? Nu.
Past simple/ past continuous
1. Ieri m-am intalnit cu prietenul verisoarei mele in timp ce imi plimbam cainele prin parc.
2. Cand l-ai vazut pe Peter ultima oara?
3. De ce alergai ieri dimineata cand ne-am intalnit?
4. Eram in intarziere si mi-era frica sa nu pierd autobuzul de ora 8. / to be late / miss
5. Amadoi parintii mei se uitau la mine in timp ce eu incercam sa repar masina.
6. Pisica mea s-a catarat in copac pentru ca cainele tau a fugarit-o. / chase
7. Cand a venit el, eu am plecat.
8. Cand el a venit, eu plecam.
9. Mi-am rupt piciorul cand jucam fotbal.
10. Am jucat fotbal si mi-am rupt piciorul.
11. Ea nu asculta radioul, asa ca l-am oprit. / turn off
12. Cand trenul a sosit in statie, ea a coborat. / get off
13. Ploua in timp ce trenul sosea in statie.
14. Dansam cand ea a trebuit sa plece acasa.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. What time do you usually get up in the morning?
2. When was the last time he went to sea? / at the seaside
3. Are you watching TV now? Not.
4. Is he reading a book now? Yes.
5. Is she looking at me now? Not. / look at
6. Do you usually eat breakfast? Yes.
7. Does he usually take the bus to the office? Not.
8. Was he hungry yesterday when he came home? Not.
9. Did you like the concert yesterday? Yes
10. Did you meet Peter last month? Yes.
11. Are your friends funny? Not.
12. Where do you live?
13. Why do you want to speak English?
14. Does he like movies? Not.
15. Can he swim? Not.
1. Yesterday I met my cousin's friend while I was walking my dog through the park.
2. When was the last time you saw Peter?
3. Why were you running yesterday morning when we met?
4. I was late and I was afraid of missing the 8 o'clock bus.
5. Both my parents were looking at me while I was trying to fix the car.
6. My cat climbed the tree because your dog chased her. / chase
7. When he came, I left.
8. When he came, I was leaving.
9. I broke my leg while playing football.
10. I played football and broke my leg.
11. She wasn't listening to the radio, so I turned it off. / turn off
12. When the train arrived at the station, she got off. / get off
13. It was raining as the train arrived at the station.
14. We were dancing when she had to go home.
.......... Succes..........