Engleza, întrebare adresată de Roz13, 9 ani în urmă

De tradus in engleza:
~Bună, Robi! Ce mai faci? Te~ai mai gandit cu privire la propunerea mea?
~Ce propunere? Intreaba Lisa
~Nu te priveste pe tine, Lisa, vezi ti de treaba ta!
~Hei! Nu fii atat de dur cu ea, a pus o simpla intrebare...
~Da, dar nu e treaba ei, eu fac afaceri cu tine, nu cu ea.
~Siii, ce spui? Intri in afacere?
~Sigur, suna destul de bine, doar ca...
~Ce este? Ce s~a intamplat?
~Problema e ca imi este putin teama, n~am mai facut asta pana acum. Daca o sa fim prinsi?
~Ei, haide! Revinoți in fire, nu e cine stie ce! Gandeste~te cati bani vom castiga!
~Bine, o voi face, afacerile sunt afaceri!
~Super! Ne intalnim maine in fata scolii la 22:00.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alias1
-Hello Robi! How are you? Have you been thinking about my proposal ( my offer ) ?
-What proposal ? asks Lisa
-It doesn't concern you,Lisa,mind you own business
-Hey ! Don't be so harsh with her,she asked a simple question...
-Yes,but it's not her business,I do business with you,not with her
-So,what do you say ? Are you in?
-Sure,it sounds pretty good,just that...
-What is it? What happened?
-The problem is that I'm a little bit afraid,I never did that until now.What if we'll get caught?
-Common ! Come back to yourself,it's not a big deal! Think about how much money we'll make!
-Alright,I'll do it,business is business!
-Great ! We meet tomorrow in the front of the school at 10 PM

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