De tradus in engleza:
Bunicul meu locuieste intr-un sat din judetul Arad . El are o inaltime medie . Nu este nici gras dar nici slab , iar acest lucru este un semn al sănătății fizice și al traiului sănătos pe care l-a dus toată viața. Are parul alb, cândva blond-șaten, cu un început de chelie și ochii albaștrii, precum cerul de primăvară . Fața sa prezintă câteva riduri, mai ales în jurul ochilor , semne ale batranetii. Palmele sale aspre și degetele groase pline de bătături arata cat de harnic este . Este mereu linistit si vesel si foarte intelept deoarece stie cum sa treaca peste orice problema . Are un simt al umorului foarte bine dezvoltat , facandu-ne mereu sa radem. Bunicul meu este pasionat de pescuit fiindca se relaxeaza , isi ingrijeste gradina sa pline cu legume . Acum ca am crescut nu mai merg atat de des in vizita dar imi propun sa merg cat mai curand la el .
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
My grandfather lives in a village in Arad. His height is medium. He is neither fat nor skinny, this being a sign of his physical health and his healthy lifestyle that he has had his whole life. He has grey hair, that in his youth was dark blonde, a thinner hairline as years go by and eyes as blue as a day's of spring sky.
His face has a few wrinkles especially around the eyes, signs of his old age. His rough palms and big fingers show his hardworking trait. He is always peacefull, happy and wise because he knows how to get past any problem. He has a great sense of humor, making us always laugh.
My grandfather's passions are fishing, because it's relaxing, and gardening.
As I have grown older, I haven't had the chance to visit him as often as I would have liked, but I plan on visiting him as soon as possible.
Nu e o traducere cuvant cu cuvant, sunt expresii pe care a trebuit să le adaptez incat să sune okay și in engleza.
His face has a few wrinkles especially around the eyes, signs of his old age. His rough palms and big fingers show his hardworking trait. He is always peacefull, happy and wise because he knows how to get past any problem. He has a great sense of humor, making us always laugh.
My grandfather's passions are fishing, because it's relaxing, and gardening.
As I have grown older, I haven't had the chance to visit him as often as I would have liked, but I plan on visiting him as soon as possible.
Nu e o traducere cuvant cu cuvant, sunt expresii pe care a trebuit să le adaptez incat să sune okay și in engleza.
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