Engleza, întrebare adresată de Catalina0000, 10 ani în urmă

De tradus in engleza. Nu de pe google translate.
"Pur si simplu cateodata in spatele zambetului meu se ascunde prea multa durere.
Saptamanile astea am pierdut foarte multe persoane la care tin enorm..Plang in fiecare seara..sperand ca se vor intoarce..
Am realizat ca tot ce-i bine nu tine mereu cu tine..
Dar am ajuns si la capitolul asta... Sa zambesc chiar si cand inima imi plange si sufletul e terminat, dar stii cum e? Suferinta face oamenii sa se schimbe... dar îi face si mai puternici iar ce nu te omoara te face mai puternic!"

giant123456: "Simply sometimes hide behind my smile too much pain.
This week I lost many people they care enorm..I cry every evening..hoping that they would return ..
I realized that everything that you better not always with you ..
But I arrived in that department ... even when you smile my heart and soul is crying over, but you know what? Suffering makes people change ... but make them more powerful and does not kill you makes you stronger! "
Catalina0000: E de pe google translate?
giant123456: Nu
Catalina0000: Mi-l traduce la fel pe google translate :)
giant123456: Nu. Mă pricep bine la engleza şi eu sunt google translate.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Alekz
Simply sometimes behind my smile it's hidden too much pain. This weeks I lost many persons I care about. I cry every night... hoping they will come back... I realized that all good isn't always with me... But I reached that chapter... To smile even if my heart cries and my soul is done, but you know what? Pain changes people... but it makes them stronger and what doesn't kill you makes your stronger!

Alekz: people-
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