Engleza, întrebare adresată de lica123456789, 9 ani în urmă

De tradus in engleza..va rog
Aseara cred ca am avut cel mai ciudat vis din viata mea. Eram foarte obosit cand am adormit in jur de ora 2:30 si am cazut intr-un somn foarte adanc numai bun de visat…Visul se plasa intr-o lume identica cu cea reala numai ca eu eram mai mare,conduceam o masina.
In prima actiunea visului se desfasura pe o autostrada eu mergeam cu foarte mare viteza si incercam din toate puterile sa opresc masina,cei din masina erau foarte speriati,tipau la mine sa opresc era un haos total. In timp ce incercam sa opresc masina imi taie alta masina calea si deodata mergeam cu masina pe un drum de tara,neasfaltat cu gropi pe care la fel mergeam cu foarte mare viteza.
Mergand pe drumul de tara imi apareau in fata tot felul de obstacole pe care incercam sa le ocololesc(aici incepe visul sa fie ciudat) si imi spuneam in vis ca daca nu le ocololesc mor. Si de ce mi-a fost frica nu am scapat..mi-a aparut un tir in fata pe care nu am mai putut sa il ocolesc si am intrat cu masina fix sub el.. In timp ce ma duceam sub el parca eram cuprins de calduri,gandurile parca mi-o luasera razna,stiind ca nu mai am nici o sansa totusi incercam sa fac ceva…apoi dupa impact eu ma uitam la mine cu stateam in masina..plangeam,tipam,incercam sa le spun oamenilor ca nu sunt mort in zadar..nu ma auzea nimeni era ca mai urata stare…apoi cand m-au luat din masina ma trezit…aveam o stare ciudata.
Senzatia de a fi mort cred ca e cea mai cruda si ciudata senzatie pe care o poate avea un om..

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dochiana

Yesterday evening I thought I had the strangest dream of my life. I was very tired when I felt asleep, around 2.30 am, and I felt in a deep sleep, perfect for dreaming.  The dream was happening in an identical world with the real one, just that I was a bit older, driving a car.

At first, the action of the dream was happening on a high speed road where I could drive with high speed and I was trying with all my power to stop the car. The persons I was in the car with were very scared, yelling at me to stop and there was a total chaos. While I was trying to stop the car, another car cut the way and suddenly I was driving the car on a country road, unpaved and with big locks on which I was also driving with high speed.

Driving on the country road, in front of me different obstacles were showing, which I was trying to avoid (and here the strange part of the dream starts) and I was telling myself in the dream that if I don’t avoid them I’m gonna die. What I was afraid happened.. in front of me a big truck showed up in front of me, one that I couldn’t bypass and i got with the car directly under it. While I was going under it I started to sweat and feel really warm, my mind and thoughts went crazy, knowing that I got no chance and still I was trying to do something. After the impact I was looking at me sitting in the car, crying, yelling, trying to tell people that I am not dead but they didn’t hear me, it was a bad state, after, when they took me from the car, I woke up with this weird state . The sensation of being dead, I think, is the most cruel and strange sensation which a man can have.

Răspuns de armyboyy
I think that last evening I had the weirdest dream of my life. I was very tired when I fell asleep at about 2:30 and I fell in a very deep sleep, good to dream. The dream was in a similar world as the real world, but I was older, I was driving a car.
The first part of the dream was on a autostreet and I was driving very fast and I was trying with all my force to stop the car, the persons who were with me were very scared, they were screaming to me to stop the car, it was awful. While I was trying to stop the car, another car went in front of me and immediately I was driving on a village street unasphalted with pits, and I was driving really fast too.
While I was driving on the village street, all kinds of obstacles which I was trying to obstruct were in my way ( here the dreaming is becoming weird ) In the dream I was telling myself that if I don't obstruct the obstacles I would die. And because I was afraid of that, I didn't escape. A truck appeared in the front of my car and I couldn't avoid it. My car went exactely under the track. While I was going under the track, I felt very hot, my thoughts went mad, knowing that I had no chance, I was trying to do something... then, after the impact, I was looking at me, how I was staying in the car. I was crying, I was screaming, I was trying to tell people that I'm not dead, but they didn't hear me, I felt very bad. Then, when they brought me out of the car, I woke up. I felt strange.
I think the feeling of being dead is the strangest and the baddest feeling a human could have.
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