Engleza, întrebare adresată de Anastasia159, 9 ani în urmă

De tradus: (va rog nu folositi google transleit)
1) Am avut putin timp asa ca am udat florile, asa cum mi-ai spus tu cu o zi in urma.
2)Nu am multe teme asa ca putem sa mergem cu rolele .
3) Am mai mult timp liber anul acesta decat anul trecut .
4)El a avut cateva idei bune dar nu le-a pus in practica.
5) Sa ne grabim ! Avem putin timp si o sa pierdem autobuzul.
6)Mama este foarte suparata pentru ca a platit multi bani pentru acel curs si tu nu te-ai dus desi aveai o gramada de timp liber.
7)Este putin lapte in cutie, poti sa bei cu cativa biscuiti de pe masa
8)Are multe sanse sa castige competitia pentru ca el este printre putini elevi buni.
9)Cateva barci treceau Dunarea la ora 5 dimineata.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
1. I had little time so I watered the flowers as you had told me a day before.
2. I do not have a lot of homework so we can go rollerskating.
3. I have more free time this year than I had last year.
4. He had some very good ideas but he did not materialize them.
5. Let's hurry! We have little time and we will miss the bus.
6. Mother is very upset because she has paid a lot of money for that course and you didn't attend it although you had plenty of time.
7. There is some milk in the box, you can drink it with some biscuits from the table.
8. He has many chances to win the competition because he's between the few good students.
9. A few boat were crossing the Danube at 5 in the morning.
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