Engleza, întrebare adresată de amaliaa, 10 ani în urmă

 De tradus :  Va rog 
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     In timp ce ma plimbam printre rafturile cu carti ,  o carte  prafuita a sarit in  fata mea de nicaieri .    O voce imi spunea sa o deschid .  Eram  foarte curioasa  asa ca  am deschis cartea .  Deodata   a aparut  un vrajitor cu o pelerina stralucitoare care mi-a povestit ca cea mai mare dorinta a lui este de a participa  la Jocurile Olimpice . De fapt nu era  o dorinta ci o provocare a  oamenilor sirena din Atlantida .   

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Raluuu
When I was walking through the bookshelves, a dusty book jumped in front of me out of nowhere. I was very curious so I opened the book. Suddenly a wizard with a shiny cape appeared and told me that his greatest wish was to participate in the Olympics. In fact, it wasn't a wish. It was a challenge from the mankind.

Prin mankind m-am referit la omenire, dar nu am inteles partea cu sirena din Atlantida.

Răspuns de Geta1955
While I was walking among the bookshelves, a dusty book popped out of nowhere just in front of me. A voice was telling me (whispering me) to open it. I was very curious so I opened the book. A magician wearing a shiny cloak  burst into my sight and told me that his strongest aspiration was to attend the Olympic Games. In fact it wasn't an aspiration, but a challenge coming from the mermaids from Atlantis.
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