Engleza, întrebare adresată de alecserazvan, 9 ani în urmă

Dear Annie,
I'm having a great time here-there's so much going on.And something really weird happened today!You know I told you about this guy,Dave,who's here.Well,this afternoon there was a fortune teller near the Music Now stage.So I went to see her and she told my fortune.
"If you show me your hand,"she said
"I'll tell you what will happen in the future".
Then she looked at my hand and said "I can see someone in your life.It's a boy .Be careful -he's dangerous!You'll get into trouble if you spend time with him'
"Who is it?"i asked.The woman laughed.
"You"ll know eho it is when you see him.He's got fair hair"
Well,I left the fortune teller and walked along the street.And he's got fair hair!Would you like to come to the cinema with me?he said.'If we hurry ,we'll be in time for the first film'
I didn't know what to say .Then i thought,'If i don't go with him ,I'll never know if he is dangerous or not!'
So I said yes!And we had a good time!I don't think he's dangerous at all!
Love Maddy

trb completat
The fortune teller will tell Maddy what will hapen in the future if she.......
If Maddy spends time with the dangerous boy,she .....
Maddy will know eho the boy is when she......
Maddy and Dave will be in time for the first film if....
If Maddy doesn't go to cinema with Dave ,she.......

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Ancutzy
Give the fortune teller her hand
Will get into trouble
Sees him
they hurry
will never know if he is dangerous

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