Engleza, întrebare adresată de dulastephania085, 8 ani în urmă

Dear Donna
(write) to you from Wales. I am
on holiday with my family. We 2)
(visit) my grandparents in a lovely village called St
John's We 3) (come) here every year.
Sometimes it 4)
(rain) in March
but this time the weather is beautiful and the sun
s john's is a very quiet place and it is nice to
go for walls on the beach or have picnics in the
This week we 6) (be) very busy, because
there is a special celebration on Saturday. The
village is having street party. Everyone
(work) very hard to decorate
the streets and to build a stage for dancing and
playing music. All the women S)
(cook) delicious food and 9)
cakes. 10)
(have) a really good


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de rudialexandru05


1. I am writing

2. have visited

3. are coming.

4. rains

5. is shining

6. have benn

7. is working

8. are cooking

9. are making

10. i am having

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