Engleza, întrebare adresată de madalina60832, 8 ani în urmă

Decide what word is missing in each of the following sentences and write it in the correct place.
1 He known her since he was a child.
2 How many times you phone your sister every day?
3 I had this car since I was eighteen.
4 Have you running? You look hot.
5 My sister is lot better at Maths than I am.
6 This ride isn't exciting as the one we went on in
7 Tom is not taller than I am - only about one
8 I'm going to Canary Islands for my summer
9 My father drives slowly than my brother does.
10 He already finished the work whecn the teacher
11 I usually just have piece of toast for breakfast.
12 I'm watching very interesting series about
dinosaurs on TV.
13 The police told me go away.
14 Brad asked Vicky she wanted a drink or not.
15 They advised me not worry as everything would
be all right​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de fabfortnite944
  1. childe
  2. your
  3. cars
  4. lookt
  5. sisters
  6. rides
  7. centimeters
  8. holyndays
  9. brothers
  10. whence
  11. pices
  12. interestings
  13. to go away
  14. if she..
  15. to not..

sper sa fie ok..

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