Engleza, întrebare adresată de Alexutzu1511, 9 ani în urmă

Describe the pictures .What is your reaction to them ?
Va rog frumos , dau coroana ,dar prima imagine nu trebuie (cea cu omul.care schiaza)


Mih2007: Sincer, nu am prea mult timp! Este mult de scris!
Alexutzu1511: te rog macar 3
Alexutzu1511: sau 2
Alexutzu1511: Promit ca data viitoare dau mai.multe puncte
Mih2007: Nu este vorba despre puncte! Timpul meu este scurt!
Mih2007: succes
Alexutzu1511: Mersi mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
He loves going fishing, so he went fishing last weekend. I enjoy fishing ,too. If I have had more spare time I would have gone often fishing. 2. Father and daughter haveing lunch together from time to time. It's very nice to have lunch with your parents during the week. If I had time and my father too, during the week, for sure we could have lunch together. 3. During their holiday, they went camping. It's nice! Probably they like to explore the sight seeing! It's not for me! I mean, it's nice to see people doing that, and listen to their stories, but that's it, nothing more for me. 4. They love doing canoe up and down the river. It's great! It gives you power to conquer the rivers! I might do canoe sometime.

Mih2007: Cu drag
Alexutzu1511: Raman dator
Mih2007: No problem
Mih2007: daca pot sa ajut, ajut! Neconditionat!
Alexutzu1511: Sunteti foarte detreaba
Mih2007: Merci
Alexutzu1511: In ce clasa sunteti ?
Alexutzu1511: Buna
Alexutzu1511: te rog am.nevoie de cateva propozotio
Alexutzu1511: te rog am.nevoie de cateva propozotii
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