Engleza, întrebare adresată de dumisgamer, 9 ani în urmă

Describe your activities during online education using Past Simple Tense

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iGeo


in engleza

In these difficult times, we did the online classes, meaning we sat in front of the computer (many hours a day) and waited for the teachers to teach us some lessons. I didn't like doing classes online because I sat in front of the computer for a long time and it was a bit tiring. I can't wait for the pandemic to end. We had homework in all subjects, the teachers sent us many worksheets and homework. I spent almost half a day solving math problems and I didn't have time to play or read a book.

in romana

In aceste vremuri grele, am facut orele online, adica am stat in fata calculatorului (multe ore pe zi) si am asteptat ca profesorii sa ne predea anumite lectii. Nu mi-a placut sa fac ore online pentru ca am stat mult in fata calculatorului si a fost cam obositor. De abia astept sa se termine pandemia. Am avut teme la toate materiile, profesorii ne-au trimis multe fise si teme de realizat. Aproape jumatate de zi am stat sa rezolv problemele la matematica si nu mi-a ramas timp sa ma joc sau sa citesc o carte.

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