Engleza, întrebare adresată de anghelina, 8 ani în urmă

describe your town/village day in 100 words dau coroana

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Angelo2015
My town isn't all that big and fancy like any others, i live in a very nic place, as i consider it, although at times, people may get rough. Usually i wake up and walk on my porch, i see the sun shine and i let the breeze sawy through my hair as i close my eyes and think my thoughts through. i get dressed and afterall, who doesn't like music? so i listen to a little bit of music to chill my mind. Relaxation helps alot in this area so its essential. i spend my evening swiming in the pool and playing with my neighbours, having fun helps me forget all my school problems and go with the flow, let driven by the swaying of the midnight wind...soon i go to bed..and thats's how i would describe it!

anghelina: mersi
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