Engleza, întrebare adresată de cosmin20033, 9 ani în urmă

Descrie o zi din viata unui coleg in engleza

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mi6a1
At school, I have plenty of friends. However, if there would be to choose my best friend from them, this would be Joseph. Joseph and I grew up together, and I know him since I was very small. As we live in the same neighborhood, we built a strong friendship. His house is in front of mine, so we meet since the very beginning of each day.
As I know him for ages, I usually know Joseph's habits. He wakes up at 7.00 am at school time and at 9.00 pm in weekends. Brushes his teeth, then rushes towards the kitchen, having his lunch.
Shortly after, packs up his books, and goes straight outside, where we meet. We walk together to the bus station, discussing random things.
At school, Joseph is very active. He is one of the best students from my classroom. After school, Joseph and I play together, either outdoor, or video games. We also go cycling, every now and then.
Sometimes he even helps me at doing homework. In the evening, we both eat at the same hour, at 7.00 pm, then go to bad at 10.00 pm, as far as I know, at least.
This is Joseph's routine.

cosmin20033: Multumesc
Mi6a1: Cu placere!
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