Engleza, întrebare adresată de TeoMendes01, 8 ani în urmă

Descrie un eveniment din viața ta folosind verbele:shy,surprised,thrilled,nervoasa, disappointed,worried,pentru a descrie emotile pe care le-ai simtit

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ulianafamilia
                               On the summer holiday I was so thrilled  to be in a nice hotel overlooking the pool, but I was surprised at how big the pool was. When I was in the water all the pool was full of people I was so nervous, but worried I feared swimming with so many people. Then we went to eat, when the waiter asked what we wanted to eat, and I was so shy to say that I did not answer anything. And that was my summer vacation.

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 In vacanta de vara eram asa de incantata ca stateam intrum hotel frumos cu vedere spre piscina, cu toate eram surprinsa pentru cat de mare era piscina.Cand intrasem in apa toata piscina era plina de persoane eram asa de nervoasa dar si ingrijorata, ma temeam sa inot cu asa de multe persoane. Apoi mersem  sa luam masa, cand chelnerul intrebase ce dorim sa mancam eram asa de tinida sa raspuns ca nu raspunsem nimic. si aceasa a fost vacanta mea de vara. 
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