Engleza, întrebare adresată de albert18, 9 ani în urmă

Descriera unor 3 colegi in 5-6 randuri in engleza repede!!!! Dau coroana!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Berosiuta
My desk mate,Matei, is the best.He has curly ,red hair and green eyes. He helps me with the problems I don't know, he lets me take his pencils and pens and he doesn't get mad when I steal his books. After Matei, I play very much with Ionut. He is a very kind kid which doesn't worry. He is brown-haired . He is way taller than me or Matei, but he is still my friend. Matei, Ionut and I play with Catalin. He is a little bit chubby (inseamna gras,dar intr-o metoda mai draguta de a o spune), but he is so much fun. He always makes us laugh and we can never get upset with him. We are the best friends.

Berosiuta: nu ma stiut ce clasa esti si am vazut I-IV si m-am gandit ca nu trebuie sa folosesc un limbaj foarte complicat...daca totusi sunt cuvinte care nu le intelegi, intreaba-ma si pot sa ti le inlocuiesc cu ceva ce stii
albert18: Ms
albert18: Sunt clasa a5a
albert18: Dar trebuia 3 colegi
Berosiuta: pai...sunt 3 : Matei,Ionut si Catalin
Berosiuta: daca ai nevoie de 3 compuneri pot sa fac, dar trebuie sa imi zici
albert18: Nu
albert18: Ba imi trb 3 compuneri diferit plz
albert18: Scz
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