Engleza, întrebare adresată de BenzariAlexandru, 9 ani în urmă

descrieți în engleză imaginea ăsta.Descrierea trebuie să aibă și sentimentele care ci le provoacă. Va rog am nevoie urgent.​


charleyavery218: Tu cate randuri ai vrea sa fie?
charleyavery218: Cate randrui?
charleyavery218: randuri*

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anonimmmmmm82828


In this photo I can see a happy girl with her horse. I think she live horses because she really looks happy. When I see this photo I feel that I am happy to and proud because this girl loves animals and this is very important . (te rog steluța sau ceva PUNCTE )

dmemaria18: she loves* i am (without to)*
anonimmmmmm82828: i said *girl loves*; girl=she
dmemaria18: nu. corect ar fii fost she loveS horses
nu she live horses asta inseamna ca ea TRAIESC caii (se pune s la persoana a treia...)
Răspuns de dmemaria18

in this picture we can see a girl who is playing with her horse
she seems very happy and that makes me feel the same because when i see happy people i’m happy too. it’s like a vibe
also we all know and we are sure that she loves her horse so much because of the look she is giving to the horse. i feel soft and calm seeing her loving the animals,especially the horses (chiar daca nu e animalul tau preferat calul nu conteaza )
si traducere cred ca poti si singur/a nu?
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