Engleza, întrebare adresată de anamariavasile86, 8 ani în urmă

Descrieți un oraș din Turcia in 200 de cuvinte in engleză

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Răspuns de EmiGames


Istanbul is the largest city in the world, spanning two continents, Europe and Asia. Most of its neighborhoods are located on the spur of the extreme southeast of Europe, separated from Asia by the Marmara Sea and the Bosphorus Strait. On the European side, the Golden Horn Deep Bay divides European neighborhoods into two sectors: Old Constantinople to the south and New Town to the north, with Karaköy (Galata), Geyoglu (Pera), Katabaș, Taksîm, Besiktas, Ortaköy and more. we lay in the depths of the land or along the Bosphorus. Over the waters, on the Asian shore, is the old Shkodra (Üsküdar), with a sea of ​​other newer neighborhoods, stretched on the shores of the Marmara Sea to the south and the Bosphorus to the north. The metropolis city is considered European because its historical center and the share of today's housing is in Europe. It is the center of one of the continent's largest urban agglomerations and the main economic area of ​​the Republic of Turkey, although it is no longer the state capital. The core of Istanbul, the old city, is bathed by the waters of the Marmara Sea, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn.

With a population of over 18.8 million, Istanbul is a megalopolis, as well as the main financial, commercial and cultural center of Turkey. It covers more than 27 districts out of the 39 of the province of the same name, being one of the largest metropolises in the world. It is the economic capital of Turkey and the prefecture of the province of the same name. The European part is located in the historical region of Thrace and the Asian part in Anatolia. It has been officially named Istanbul since March 28, 1928. Along with Athens and Rome, Constantinople is one of the most venerable capitals in Europe. It has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1985. Similar to Constantinople in the Middle Ages, today Istanbul is the largest human settlement in Europe.


Sper ca te am ajutat!

anamariavasile86: Multumesc frumos succes ❤️
Răspuns de causmadalina83
Istanbul is a really big and pretty city in Turkey.
It is a really big place and also the capital of it. A lot of people visited it each year and it’s really famous. It is located on the eastern north part of Turkey. It is sub device in 27 parts. It is the only megapolis centred on two continents. It has a population of almost 19,000,000 people.
You can find here a lot of tiny boutiques and you can also see the ocean and it’s a really pretty view

causmadalina83: Cer măcar o singura apreciere
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