Engleza, întrebare adresată de romanlenuta739, 8 ani în urmă

dialog despre moda si anorexie. Va rog frumos am foarte mare nevoie . Dau 20 pct

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de VK2
- Isn't fashion amazing?
- Well, I guess but I think it can do some bad things, too.
-What do you mean?
- Well some people might feel bad because they don't look like some models, and it might cause anorexia, there had been quite a few cases of models actually starving themselves!
- I can't believe it!
- I know right? This mental illness is destroying lives
- Yes I know, but why is it fashion's fault?
- it's not the fashion or clothes, it's because of people. Everyone should just love themselves and everyone else!
- it's not that simple, but I understand, anorexia is a problem, and people with it need treatment.
- I agree.

Nush dacă e de 10, poți adăuga mai multă informație despre anorexie, nu sunt expert în boli

romanlenuta739: Multumesc mult
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