Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

din romana in engleza fara gugle translat

Familia Brangwen traia de generatii la ferma Marsh, in luncile unde râul Erewash serpula lenes printre arini, separând comitatul Derbyshire de Nottinghamshire. La o distant de douà mile, pe culmea unui deal, se inâlta un turn de bisericà, lar casele micutului târg de province se câtàrau voiniceste sã-l ajungà din urmã. Ori de câte ori vreunul dintre Brangweni Înälta capul de la munca lui, zárea pe cerul dezgolit turla bisericil de la Ilkeston. Asa incât atunci când isi apleca iarasi privirea spre pâmântul neted, {si dãdea seama cá mai exista ceva deasupra lui si dincolo de el, in departare.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlexMqxYT
The Brangwens have lived for generations at Marsh Farm, in the meadows where the River Erewash meanders lazily through the alders, separating Derbyshire from Nottinghamshire. At a distance of two miles, on the top of a hill, was a church tower, and the houses of the little provincial fair climbed up to reach it from behind. Whenever one of the Brangweni looked up from his work, he saw the spire of Ilkeston Church in the empty sky. So that when he turned his gaze again to the smooth earth, he realized that there was something above him and beyond him in the distance.
Răspuns de biam20212
The Brangwen family lived for generations at Marsh Farm, in the meadows where the River Erewash meanders lazily through the alders, separating Derbyshire from Nottinghamshire. At a distance of two miles, on the top of a hill, there was a church tower, and the houses of the small provincial fair were clambering to reach it from behind. Whenever one of the Brangweni looked up from his work, he saw the spire of Ilkeston church in the bare sky. So that when he bent his gaze again towards the smooth earth, he realized that there was something above him and beyond him, in the distance.
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