Engleza, întrebare adresată de romicasirgoj, 8 ani în urmă

Disagree with the following.
1. Dan was at home at six o'clock.! .
2. Tina was at the circus.
3. Tina wasn't worried.
4. Mother was in the bedroom.
5. Dan was at the museum.
6. Dan wasn't at the circus.

No, he wasn't.
No, she wasn't
Yes, he was
Yes, she was.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de abundalaka90


  1. Dan was at home at six o 'clock!  - Dan wasn't at home at six o 'clock

     Dan era acasă la ora șase!-  Dan nu era acasă la ora șase!

      2.Tina was at the circus.-Tina wasn't at the circus.

       Tina era la circ.- Tina nu era la circ.

      3.Tina wasn't worried.-Tina was worried.

        Tina nu era îngrijorată. -Tina era îngrijorată.

       4.Mother was in the bedroom.-Mother wasn't in the bedroom.

          Mama era în dormitor= Mama nu era în dormitor

        5.Dan was at the museum- Dan wasn't at the museum.

            Dan era la muzeu-Dan nu era la muzeu

          6.Dan wasn't at the circus.-Dan was at the circus.

          Dan nu era la circ. -Dan era la circ.

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