discuss the differences in meaning between the following pairs of sentences
1.when our parents came home, we werw having supper
we had eaten supper before our parents came home
2. when john called,i was readink a book
i had read the book before john called
3. when the bell rang,he was entering the school
he had entered the school before the bell rang
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.When our parents came home, we were having supper.
Cand parintii nostri au ajuns acasa, noi luam cina.
******Adica in momentul in care ei au sosit, noi inca mancam*******
PAST CONTINUOS: Unfinished action (we were having supper) that was interrupted by another event or action (our parents came)
--------Actiunea intrerupta de sosirea parentilor.
We had eaten supper before our parents came home
Mancasem cina inainte ca parintii sa soseasca acasa.
******Adica terminasem deja de mancat cina, apoi parintii au sosit*****
PAST PERFECT: one event (eatening supper) happened before another in the past. (our parents came home)
---------O actiune care s-a petrecut inaintea celeilalte (in trecut.)
It is used to make it clear that one event happened before another in the past
2. when john called,i was reading a book
*****(In momentul in care john a sunat, eu citeam cartea)*****
PAST CONTINUOUS - la fel, o actiune in trecut in desfasurare intrerupta de o alta actiune.
i had read the book before john called
PAST PERFECT - ******Deja citisem cartea (actiunea era terminata), abia apoi john a sunat.****
3. when the bell rang,he was entering the school
la fel si aici
he had entered the school before the bell rang
la fel si aici
PAST PERFECT: one event happened before another in the past.