Engleza, întrebare adresată de iuliamaria77, 8 ani în urmă

Discuss the following questions.

1 What are friends for?
2Do different personalities and different beliefs make
friendship impossible?
3 "The only way to have a friend is to be one.? (Ralph Waldo
Emerson) How far do you agree?
4 How far do you think that developments such as e-mail and
mobile phones are affecting personal relationships?
5 Do you think that the nature of friendship remains the same
throughout a person's life? Va implor ajutati-ma ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de oanaslovenszky
1. Friends are companions throughout a lifetime, possible. One may not have a sibling to get along with but a friend that could understand and support better. Friends are there for you to rely on both in good and bad times.
2. If you have the ability to put aside differences and to respect your friends beliefs than friendship it’s possible.
3. You can be a friend to someone as long as certain boundaries are acknowledged and respected. How far? As far as you feel that your friend would do the same for you...
4. E-mail and nowadays devices may be able to sustain personal relationships for people that live in different countries/cities or continents. But sometimes a friend is needed right beside you and e-mails or phones can’t replace that yet!
5. Friendships evolve with time. Growing up, getting older and wiser may affect the nature of friendship.
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