Discuss the meanings of the words and word forms of ‘die’, ‘white’, ‘black’, ‘house’. How are the meanings of each of these words related?
1. The old traditions are dying out. Die in the car crash. Die of embarrassment. Die of cancer. Die in ones’ bed. The day is
dying. Die in harness. Die a lingering death. His secret dies with him. The flame flickered and died. I’m dying for a drink. The play quickly died the death. Never say die. The noise died away. The rabbits died out.
2. White face. White lie. White elephant. White sugar. White meat. White hair. White teeth. A white youth in his twenties. White coffee.
3. Black clouds. Black tea. Black community. Hands black with grime. Black despair. To be in a black mood. A black com-edy.
4. The White House. An ancient trading house. Don’t wake the whole house. On the house. A two-bedroom house. He played to packed houses. To urge the house to vote. Bring the house down. To keep house.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
dying out- it means it just fade away. (se demodeaza traditiile nu se mai folosesc ca pe vremuri.)
die in the car crash- he died. -a murit/a decedat
die of embarassment- he felt embarased/awkward. a murit de rusine
die of cancer- died because of a disease. a murit la propriu
die in one's bed- a murit intr-un pat ca traducere
die in a lingering death
Die a lingering death.- a murit zabovind
His secret dies with him- secretele sale au murit cu el. now the secrets can't be known.
The flame flickered and died- flacara s-a stins si a murit. s-a stins din viata adica
I’m dying for a drink- to want really much a drink
Never say die. - niciodata sa nu spui moarte
he noise died away.- the noise fade in the distance- sunetul se pierdea
The rabbits died out.- iepurii au murit?
white face- fata alta- palid
white lie- a lie that is said/told in the face
White elephant- elefant alb. culoarea
White hair. White teeth. - alb/albi. culoarea adica
White hair. White teeth. - zahar alb
White meat. carne alba, de la pasare cred
A white youth in his twenties- tinerete buna la 20 de ani
White coffee.- cafea alba, cu lapte
Black clouds.- nori negri/ceva rau ce va veni
Black tea- ceai negru
Black community.-comunitate rea/de evitat
Hands black with grime. - a pacatuit/a facut ceva rau. maini murdare*
Black despair- disperare adanca
To be in a black mood- in toane proaste
A black comedy./ dark comedy- comedie intunecata, adica creepy spre exemplu.
The White House-casa alba. un fel de Parlament
An ancient trading house- casa veche de comert, mostenire*
Don’t wake the whole house. - nu trezi toata casa
On the house- din partea casei. gratuit
A two-bedroom house.- casa cu doua camere
He played to packed houses.- s-a jucat la case pline. cred ca pariuri. nu s sigura
To urge the house to vote.- sa indemne casa/familia sa voteze?
to keep house-a pastra casa
Bring the house down-?
Explicație: toate aceste sunt expresii si se interpreteaza diferit.
all this are expressions and they are interpreted differetly