Engleza, întrebare adresată de Dede221202, 9 ani în urmă

Do you enjoy watching t.v? asked Lily
When is the train leaving? he asked.
Have you washed your hand? mom asked.
Did you go to the restaurante? gentelman asked.
Will you come with me? asked the little girl.
Must we go now? asked May
Le vreau traduse in engleză la vorbirea INDIRECTĂĂ! Adică : mama a spus....

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de koinaca
Lili a intrebat daca ma bucur ca ma uit la tv
el a intrebat cand pleaca trenul
mama a intrebat daca mi am spalat mainile
gentelman ul a intrebat daca mergem la restaurant
mica fata a intrebat daca merg cu ea
May  a intrebat daca e necesar sa mergem acum

Dede221202: Vreau in limba engleză
koinaca: lily asked if i enoy watching tv
koinaca: he asked when the train is leaving
koinaca: mom asked if i wash my hands
koinaca: gentelman asked if i go to the restaurant
koinaca: the little girl asked if i come with her
koinaca: may asked if we must to go now
Dede221202: Multumesc mult.
Alte întrebări interesante