Engleza, întrebare adresată de botaioanpetru81, 8 ani în urmă

Do you know the correct past forms

Last year Mum and I .......(go) to Italy. Dad ....(take) is to the airport. At the airport we .....(say) goodbay to him and the we......(go) to the gate. Mum .......( can't) a taxi and.....(go) back home. The tickets ....... (aren't) at home. Mum....(go) back to the airport. She (is) very nervous. Then we ....... (find) the tickets. They .....(are) in my jacket​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de daria2983a


go- went

take- took

say- said

can't- couldn't

aren't- weren't

find- found

are- were


verbul "go" se repeta asa ca nu am zis de fiecare data trecutul acestuia

Răspuns de Ariana1752
Last year Mum and I went to Italy. Dad took us to the airport. At the airport we said goodbye to him and then we went to the gate. Mum couldn’t get (nu stiu daca e bine) a taxi and went back home. The tickets weren’t at home. Mum went back to the airport. She was very nervous. Then we found the tickets. They were in my jacket.
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