Engleza, întrebare adresată de robin101010, 8 ani în urmă

Do you know these jobs?Check the pronnciation with a dictionary.What do these people do? actor,painter,teacher,mechanic,musician,engineer,driver,postman,writer,architect,typist,baker,lawyer,doctor,journalist,barber.

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mâțăchioaralynx
The actor plays in movies or theater.
The painter is painting paintings.
The teacher is teaches.
The mechanic fixes things.
The musician is singing.
The engineer practices ingeniery.
The driver is driveing.
The postman delivers the post.
The writer writing books.
The architect building houses.
The typist is typing.
The baker is bake desserts.
The lawyer protects the client.
The doctor makes people healthy.
The journalist informs the public.
The barber is shave.
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