Engleza, întrebare adresată de VeronicaVeronica, 9 ani în urmă

Do you think'dream jobs' really exist? Why/Why not? What factors do you think could make a job a dream job?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NameNick
Of course dream jobs exist. first of all, I want to mention that every pearson sees a dream job in his or her way, and that my dream job may sound like a bad one from others points of view. a dream job is a job where you like to go, when you do what you want, and if someone wants to build houses or..... serve the law, save people or work with childrens, there are dreams jobs waiting just around the corner.

NameNick: .... cu placere?
VeronicaVeronica: Multumesc, mulțumesc.
NameNick: always happy to help the ones around me
NameNick: eu am scris raspunsul primul By the way, celalalt tip doar a dat copy past
VeronicaVeronica: Da am observat , dar e în regula pentru ca am văzut ca tu mi-am răspuns primul .
VeronicaVeronica: mi-ai*
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